Couples Therapy

Couples counseling near me | LGBTQ couples therapy near me

In-person couples counseling Kansas City, MO | Online couples counseling Missouri

Rewrite you love story (on your terms)

Rewrite you love story (on your terms)

You know relationships take (a lot) of hard work.   

You don’t fall for the fairytale couples in your favorite rom-coms (although you’ll never get tired of watching them). 

But you may be at your breaking point with your real-life relationship—flooded with arguments, bitterness, and poor communication. 

You might have forgotten the last time you really talked about something more than the grocery list. Intimacy? You hardly know her! And don’t get me started on trust because…….that’s on shaky ground. 

You don’t have to keep feeling stuck and alone. Let’s work together to rebuild it and see where you can take it. 

What is couples therapy or couples counseling?

Couples therapy involves meeting with a mental health specialist to address challenges in your romantic partnership.

That could mean restoring trust, rekindling passion, improving communication habits, or simply meeting on a neutral ground to talk. You will attend sessions together—and individually as needed. 

What can couples therapy help with?

Couples therapy can assist you in any relationship stage, whether you are dating, in a honeymoon phase, engaged, married, separated, or anywhere in between. Common roadblocks that couples counseling can help you overcome include:

- Frequent fights or communication problems
- Infidelity and trust issues
- Separation
- Conflict with family, friends, or community
- Work, parenting, or financial stressors
- Unmet needs or misaligned values
- Lack of physical and/or emotional intimacy
- Big life transitions (e.g., moving together, having kids)
- Challenges with ethical non-monogamy or polyamory
- LGBTQIA+ difficulties

If any of these ring a bell for you or your partner, I can help. 

What if we’re not having major relationship trouble?

That’s good! Couples counseling is also an exceptional place to learn more about each other, deepen your connection, and protect your bond. You don’t have to be in a desperate place to benefit from couples therapy. 

What if we want to part ways?

If you decide to end your relationship, I can guide you through those uncomfortable discussions. It’s my ultimate goal to empower each of you to create a more authentically fulfilling life, whether that means you decide to stay together or not. 

Benefits of couples therapy

- Meeting each other in a safe and unbiased space
- Gaining insight into your relationship, your loved one, and yourself
- Identifying patterns, needs, and expectations (and making changes accordingly)
- Solving conflict and managing stressors
- Adopting strategies to reconnect, feel safe, and communicate effectively together 
- Finding support while healing from individual or shared trauma

Couples therapy at Ink Psychotherapy | Relationship therapist Kansas City | Online couples therapist Missouri 

I’m Lori, I offer couples and individual therapy in-person at my Kansas City office and virtually throughout Missouri. I particularly enjoy working with women of all ages, people of color, LGBTQIA+ folks, and couples outside the mainstream. Yes, that includes polyamory and ethical non-monogamy. 

As a couples therapist, I will listen, ask questions, facilitate conversations, and offer valuable resources. But I’m not a referee—I won’t pick sides or tell you what you “should” do. I’m only here to empower you to write or rewrite your story in a way that feels authentic to you.

I draw from modalities like narrative therapy, internal family systems, and emotion-focused therapy to offer customized treatment. Oh, and I love pets! Your furry babies are welcome during our online sessions (and mine might make an appearance too!).

If you and your partner want to try couples therapy, join me. Let’s discover and solidify your essence as individuals and as a unit to find the best path forward.


Ready to work on your relationship?


4116 Baltimore Ave
Kansas City


[email protected]